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Gérer notre énergie, pas notre temps

En parlant de passion et de notre travail de développeur, je pense que cet excellent article "manage your energy, not your time" peut apporter des éléments à la question.

 J'aime aussi beaucoup à la fin de l'article ce passage :
The implicit contract between organizations and their employees today is that each will try to get as much from the other as they can, as quickly as possible, and then move on without looking back. We believe that is mutually self-defeating. Both individuals and the organizations they work for end up depleted rather than enriched. Employees feel increasingly beleaguered and burned out. Organizations are forced to settle for employees who are less than fully engaged and to constantly hire and train new people to replace those who choose to leave. We envision a new and explicit contract that benefits all parties: Organizations invest in their people across all dimensions of their lives to help them build and sustain their value. Individuals respond by bringing all their multidimensional energy wholeheartedly to work every day. Both grow in value as a result.
On est très loin du constat du développement en france :


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