I have assisted to the Zenika's conference about Behaviour Driven Development given by Mauro Talevi from Agilesque. The presentation was mainly decomposed in 3 parts : Introduction to BDD, Presentation of JBehave (the API used to do BDD in java) and return on experience about a real project. Introduction to BDD. BDD brings together Test Driven Development and Domain Driven Design by - describing behaviour is a better form of testing - describing needs from from point of view of it's stakeholder BDD relies on the use of a specific language to help communication between the business, developers, testers, analysts and managers. It improves presentation. Behaviours are described by scenarios with a why ? the value, a who ? the actor and the what ? the feature. BDD introduce a grammar of steps GIVEN a context, WHEN there is an event, THEN produce an outcome AND do other steps. BDD offers step parametrisation, aliases for changing language or tabularisation for changing parameters fo...
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